Computer Lab:
Information Technology has significant role in our daily life. Our approach towards this fact is very positive and to promote the same in our school, we set up a well equipped Lab with a student system ratio of 1:4.
Digital Class Rooms :
we have well established Digital class room with an advanced technology and it delivers an ease on hard topics to every student.
Kungfu :
We believe in the overall development in each of our students.This include physical fitness, mental and physical ability.To achieve this in our children we organize Kungfu classes and it muster up confidence in students.
Our faculty
We strongly believe teachers are the back born of our institution. Our team is well qualified , trained, dedicated and capable to mould each and every particular students according to our vision and mission. We recruited Montessori trained teachers for the Kinder Garter Sections. Most of our teachers are having long years experience in and around our state. Aiming the topmost development of the students we have appointed the teachers from out of Andra Pradesh.
We are specific on a safe joyful Ride to school and back to the home . Comfort of each student, inside the bus is important, for this we prefer the combination of a student on a seat. Each route has an in charge faculty, and all the students will be under his/her super vision.
Information Technology has significant role in our daily life. Our approach towards this fact is very positive and to promote the same in our school, we set up a well equipped Lab with a student system ratio of 1:4.
Digital Class Rooms :
we have well established Digital class room with an advanced technology and it delivers an ease on hard topics to every student.
Kungfu :
We believe in the overall development in each of our students.This include physical fitness, mental and physical ability.To achieve this in our children we organize Kungfu classes and it muster up confidence in students.
Our faculty
We strongly believe teachers are the back born of our institution. Our team is well qualified , trained, dedicated and capable to mould each and every particular students according to our vision and mission. We recruited Montessori trained teachers for the Kinder Garter Sections. Most of our teachers are having long years experience in and around our state. Aiming the topmost development of the students we have appointed the teachers from out of Andra Pradesh.
We are specific on a safe joyful Ride to school and back to the home . Comfort of each student, inside the bus is important, for this we prefer the combination of a student on a seat. Each route has an in charge faculty, and all the students will be under his/her super vision.